Though we all have our vices, some are worse than others. Many exist in the world, but to simplify this discussion we'll focus on two: weed and liquor. In answering today's discussion question please feel free to draw from personal experiences/anecdotes or those of people in your lives.
Today's question is simple: Is it worse to be a pothead (read: heavy smoker) or an alcoholic (read: heavy drinker)? While we're at it please also tell me if you think one is more socially accepted than the other.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm much more comfortable defining a pothead than I am defining an alcoholic. That probably has a lot to do with me being a relative non-drinker. However, to focus our discussion, let's define a pothead/alcoholic as one who in 30 calendar days enjoys their respective vice on at least 20 of them. I'm not married to either definition, so feel free to include your own if you disagree with mine.
Thoughts? Oh, and if you're going to respond, then actually pick one. Washes don't fly here.