Thanks for the comments, guys. Can either of you describe the issue you're having with the comment option? Maybe something is showing up on my screen, but not on yours.
Wow...I have a problem when gay white punks use the word Nigger...and you know that word is all up and through my blog. LOL
Oh, and the word "Fag" I am all about free speech, but "Fag is just harsh. I know I use the word "Nigger" in my Blog but there is a point behind it. Besides, there are no people "fags", there are only "Punks". It's a nicier word and kind of funny. Get it staight, Ladies and Gentlemen. Damn! Peace. (Hey, Mr. Jones, I didn't know you had all this drama going on in your blog. I need to visit more often.)
Unless noted I do not own copyright to the images on this blog and do not take credit for them. To have copyrighted images removed please email: amerikas (dot) muse (at) gmail(dot) com.
No comment on the Chris thing, lol
Nice new look for your page.
I couldn't find the comment part for like 30 minutes though, LOL
Um, it took me a long time too. you need to change that comment deal.
Thanks for the comments, guys. Can either of you describe the issue you're having with the comment option? Maybe something is showing up on my screen, but not on yours.
You have to actually click in on your title of each posting, and then the comments page is under the posting.
U cannot comment on anything on the main page
Should be fixed now. Not sure what the issue was though.
You guys think this fag is funny?
It is ashame people fuel this guy antics and he wearing dresses and make-up and you guys laugh but this guy is serious.
His manhood shot to hell before he got a chance to experience it!
this kid is out of control. i believe medication is in order.
Capt, you're out of line using the f-word. regardless of your stance on sexuality, that is crossing the line.
Captain - Seriously, I'm all for a free exhange of ideas, but you're tettering on being out of line.
If you can't conduct yourself appropriately, then please don't return to this blog.
Wow...I have a problem when gay white punks use the word Nigger...and you know that word is all up and through my blog. LOL
Oh, and the word "Fag" I am all about free speech, but "Fag is just harsh. I know I use the word "Nigger" in my Blog but there is a point behind it. Besides, there are no people "fags", there are only "Punks". It's a nicier word and kind of funny. Get it staight, Ladies and Gentlemen. Damn! Peace.
(Hey, Mr. Jones, I didn't know you had all this drama going on in your blog. I need to visit more often.)
#2 is my fav LOL
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