I've said it before and I'll say it again: Reggie Bush is too fantastic to be with Hollywood's favorite mattress. Much to my chagrin, it looks like he and Kim Karslutian are still very much an item. These photographs are for April's GQ magazine, which hits newsstands on March 24th. They both look great for the most part, but my ill will toward this hoe won't allow me to give her too much positivity.

Yeah Hes Way..... Wait Hold On! OMG THAT ASS! Shes Like Laying On It. OMG! Its Like A Complete Separate Entity. Look @ The Dip! The DIP!!! I Would Squeeze The Hell Out Of That Among other things....
*After Many Deep Breaths & Saving that picture to my Desktop*
Hes Waaaaaaaayyy To Good For Her. I'm Sure hell trade her in for a new model very soon. I mean he did buy her Used and all. Who Wouldn't want an upgrade?
Okay I'm not going to front though... now these two I wouldn't mind seeing a sex tape on. I didn't even want to see that mess with her and Ray J., but I would tune in just to see him work it.
Don't he look like he would be such a good boy in bed...huh
Jonesy you ain't never lied, about his butt in pic 1, I would love to lick syrup off of that...hmm
I mean I would like to see him with something else, but both of them do have nice asses.
I mean I don't know much about her except what i see on that E show keeping up with the Kardashians, and her making a sex tape with Ray J. and she considering herself a stylist, but has she been with many people in t he public eye?...well, to be considered a hollywood matress?
Kim Hodashian is always getting big breaks...the sex tape that got her famous, Reggie Bush, the millions from her "reality" show...what has this chick done to deserve any of this? She seems like she could be somewhat nice in person, but you have to wonder if a truly nice person would be such a publicity whore. Most times, not really. You're right, she is Hollyweird's favorite mattress, but n*ggas still want to smash. SMH.
I wish she would disappear in pic 3, his swim trunks or wet and looks to be clingy, but you can't get a good look, because of...her!
suppose they love each other?
oh my.... i am going to keep this post open all day and stare at the ass candy.. oops i meant eye candy.
you werent lying about pic 1..... daaaaaaaaaamn!!!
that is one sexy photoshoot.
I think if Bush wants it that bad, then more power to the man. Heck, I'm not walking into a party and everyone in attendance has seen my partner naked with a dick in his ass...but go figure.
"I mean I don't know much about her except what i see on that E show keeping up with the Kardashians, and her making a sex tape with Ray J. and she considering herself a stylist, but has she been with many people in t he public eye?...well, to be considered a hollywood matress?" - YBDL
I think that just about covers it. LOL. She's just slutty across the board. It's her M.O.
The have been together for minute, right? More power to them. I have to admit, I have noticed Kim Kardashian looking quite fabulous in EVERY single recent photo... ever since she was on Dancing With The Stars last season. These pics, though, have opened my eyes to a brand new crush... Mr. Reggie Bush. Nice swim trunks!
what is up with reggie ?!!?!?!?
makes me soo mad..how do u call someone like that wifey??
Oh Reggie man, why?! Just why?!
And her of all people? ugh! Why are all the hottest black guyz in Hollywood always locked down with white chickz?
I still love him though!
And The Bubble ... lawd, lawd, lawd ... nuff said!
:: fanning myself ::
^^ It's not so much that I mind that she's white. I mind that she's trashy and white.
**takes your fan and uses it on myself**
He deserves better, but you know love makes people dumb like this.
Reggie Bush is such a fine piece of specimen. Kim is a lucky bitch. Personally, I’d burn my chastity belt if it meant having one night with Reggie. Just a sample of his “Reggie bar” will have me chanting “Reggie Reggie!!!” all night long…………………Damn if only!!!!!!
I just saw that Kim is suppose to be on Larry King Live on Wednesday night with Kimora Lee Simmons and Joan Rivers talking about being sucusseful business women...huh
I guess we will officially see what Miss Kardashian line of business is and what made her success, for some reason I don't think she can say her sex tape...that would just be wrong, wouldn't it?
He borrowed her ass for the first pic. And his black ass nails repulse me. How is it gonna be dark all the way to the nail meat? Yuck.
@ Friday - That was vulgar and I like it!
@ YBDL - I saw them advertising that mess. I know I won't be tuning in.
@ Nia - You ruined him for me. I never noticed that until just now. :-(
"To the slutty white b*tch goes the spoils, I guess."
Racism and misogyny in one hit - nice! ;)
"And his black ass nails repulse me. How is it gonna be dark all the way to the nail meat? Yuck."
Maybe the "slutty white b*tch" actually likes him AND his "dark nail meat". Your loss (which is not really a loss for you since you don't like his "dark" meat, anyway) is her gain, I suppose.
Uh oh...
Dark meat nails and all, I'd freak him right.
Hmph - going to the gym tonight. That man looks fantastic!
Kim is a gorgeous girl, and I can see why Reggie (oh the things I would DO to him) would go for her. However......you can't turn a ho into housewife. That is all.
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