Monday, February 9, 2009

I kinda feel badly about laughing at young David, but he's funny as hell.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Promiscuous X said...

They took the video down lol. repost dammit

Mr. Jones said...

^^Vid is working just fine for me and I refreshed a few times.

dickspot said...


Little dude is ROLLING ! Give him some gum and bottled water ..... LOL

deonte' k said...

Aww LMAO... he was too cute... and I know why U like this video... because he looks high LOL.

BPS 4.0 : Soul Exposure said...

Ok this is scary. 10 years from now he could still be doing this but with a drug of choice.

Mr. Jones said...

Dickspot - Not gum and bottled water tho. LOL.

Deonte - **gives you the side eye and gets you back in line**

BPS - Yikes! Let's hope not.

Mr. Jones said...

After a couple days, it kinda pissed me off that little David's Dad exploited him like this globally on the innawebs. His Dad's a dick.

Son of Baldwin said...

I agree with Mr. Jones. This father was tickled by his son's intoxication, saying things like, "Doesn't it feel good?

What a horrible, horrible message to send his son. Even when the son, in his stupor, began to express concern about his intoxicated condition, the father laughed. And we wonder why so many kids grow into fucked-up little monsters.

This is very disturbing.

♥ CG ♥ said...

Hate to admit it, but lil David said some things I've said after one too many

My first time here...I think I've found another comfy blogspot :-).

Mr. Jones said...

^Haha...oh, a first timer. Well, welcome and please do come again. :-)

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