Sunday, August 3, 2008

PLEASE wrap yo shit up.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

This AIDS shit in America is some scary shit. You better protect yourself.

Our federal government is clueless and has completely failed us on this. It recently admitted that the CDC has been suggesting there are fewer number of total cases in the country than there actually are -- for nearly a decade. This issue in the Black community is even worse.

In a recent fifty-five-page report, the Black AIDS Institute found that the number of African-Americans infected with HIV exceeds the number of people with the virus in seven of the fifteen countries served by US international AIDS relief efforts.

Black women and gay Black men are the hardest-hit groups. Two-thirds of HIV cases among women in the United States are black. It remains a leading cause of death for African American women who are twenty-five to forty-four. This is disproportionately hitting black women.

It’s disproportionately hitting black gay men, too. In one study that the CDC did a couple years ago looking at HIV infection among gay men in seven cities, they tested a bunch of gay men, gay and bisexual men, and 46 percent of the black men they tested were already HIV-positive. 46 percent!!!

This shit is even worse in my neck of the woods. CNN recently reported that 80% percent of people living with HIV in Washington, DC are African-American. Yikes!


mp1 said...

that's just scary. how the hell can the CDC understimate the number of cases? I'd expect them to be on top of that

PRIMO said...

Scary Is a understatement. That percentage is Crazy, And more than likely Growing as we speak. 80%.....

Anonymous said...

Condoms is not the answer. We need to pray and hear from heaven. God is needed today more than ever before.

BPS 4.0 : Soul Exposure said...

Condoms. Umm more like abstaining or getting tested and having a true monogamous relationship.

Mr. Jones said...

MP1 - I learned a long time ago to stop expecting the federal government to be on top of anything.

Primo - Yeah...80% of people living with HIV in Washington, DC are black.

Anony - I guess. :-/

BPS - All that, too, but mostly condoms.

That Dude Right There said...

I'm scared to have sex at all these days. It's just too damn risky.

Joey Bahamas said...

This is crazy!

Unknown said...

Yeah, it's a disaster. Personal responsibility and refraining from judgement are probably the best advice that can be given. After surviving the 80s outbreak of the epidemic, it'ss sad to find myself 20-some-odd years later seeing the same disaster. All said, we have to recognize that we're all at risk, all in danger and chances are, have all interacted with someone who is/was infected. The key is to protect yourself, stop waiting for folks to tell you something about themselves before you take care of you and stop treating the disease like some foreign/contagious plague. Know how you want to be treated and act accordingly to others...hey, God forbid, one day it can be.


Hi there! {waves}

Thank you for writing about these issues.

You are more than welcome to stop by my blog anytime and join in the conversations!

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

Promiscuous X said...

Dam yeah this is sad. Please wrap it up or sit back and take a motherfuckn seat and buckle the fuck up. Cuz that aint the type of ride I wanna be on. People think after they contract the virus they can just live and still whore around and if you don't tell them (them meanin people they fuck with) they wont get the time of day.... this shit is real out there. And its sad because nobody askes for this...but If you go looking for trouble eventually "IT" will FIND YOU...

Darius T. Williams said...

This is soooo true...wrap it up!

fuzzy said...

okay, I was at Wally World yesterday and they have more than you could capture in that pic! It's no excuse!!!

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