Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Damn Shame

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
LOL @ there being more alcoholic beverages in my refrigerator than actual food items. I really do go to the grocery store -- honest.

On one hand, I'm slightly embarrassed by the fact that it looks like I haven't gone grocery shopping in ages. In the other hand, I'm holding a beer.


ShawnQt said...

is that macaroni salad on the second shelf? Im intrigued, I dont know why!

La said...

I LOVE your place already, lol

Ailed LittleKnight said...

That better be a corona! lol But what the hell, no food?

bLaQ~n~MiLD said...

Shyt you think your fridge is bad... I haven't been grocery shopping in months and I'm now down to a couple eggs and a quarter thing of juice. This supermarket trip is gonna hurt...

One Man’s Opinion said...

I use to know someone just like this. Nothing but acholic drink drink in his fridge. And I mean nothing but. We were in our twenties, but still.....Damn!

Maybe it is because I am not a big drinker.

Anonymous said...

well at least you got milk, orange juice, and soda. That's sustenance. :)

fuzzy said...

We gonna have to work on your ice box man! Really! Where's the baking soda? lolol

Mr. Jones said...

Ki-fuckin-cackle @ my fridge.

Unknown said...

Okay...I won't talk...I have 4 Heinekens, 2 Glucernas, Honey Nut Cheerios, Non-Fat Milk (two swigs) a 4 month old plum and two potatos in my fridge. That said, I haven't been motivated to shop for anything which is a clear sign that I'm cutting back on all that food consumption.

Turn me up a lil said...

at least yo water is obviously clean....I should get on of those Brita thinga ma jigs

Corey Keith said...

LOL... That fridge is a fool.. But I agree with tmual.. your water is clean...

That Dude Right There said...

Take up lazy ass to the grocery store!!!!

Mr. Jones said...

^^shut up, TDRT. LoL.

Darius T. Williams said...

Funny...my fridge looks a mess right now too. But I'm cleaning it out this weekend.

Chet said...

First of all clean the fridge out, sort some of the shyte that can be saved and toss the rest, make a trip to Jewels/Osco or Treasure Island to purchase food.

Hey I can relate it is truly the way a bachelor lives, we all have beer in the box. Although I have to admit I am a tad bit tidy.

Mr. Jones said...

Chet - What are these stores you speak of? I've never heard of those a day in my life. lol.

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