Monday, August 10, 2009

Hillary Clinton: "I have the biggest d*ck in my marriage, not Bill."

Monday, August 10, 2009
Well, that isn't a direct quote but...


bLaQ~n~MiLD said...

Oop! LoL I heard bout this. I just laughed. Someones panties are in a


Anonymous said...

Bravo, Hillary !

Everyone knew she would be walking a minefield as the wife of a former President AND Secretary of State !

She received a sucker punch AND PUNCHED THE FUCK BACK !!!

You GO, Girl !!!

Mr. Jones said...

^^I understand your sentiment. really, I do. Her stand would've been a bit mnore justified if the translator hadnt screwed up the question. That whole rant was for not b/c that isn't even what the poor student asked. LOL.

She did get brolic tho. LOL.

Anonymous said...

DAMN !!!

You just SITTIN' there waitin' for comments......

Mr. Jones said...

Exactly. Kinda like the same way you're sitting there waiting for responses.

deonte' k said...

Alright now Hilary! lol ;)

bLaQ~n~MiLD said...

Oop! Now now Jones n Anon. Play nice. LoL.


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