Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm not even gonna go in on ole girl. I feel bad for her actually.

Friday, July 31, 2009
I got a call from my eye doctor this afternoon advising me that my new eye glasses [these dope ass Prada 55LVs] were ready to be picked up. So, after work I diddy bopped over to the office. When I walked this woman was sitting be helped. I knew no one would believe me so I snapped these pics.


Anonymous said...

..... Feel so bad for her that you post her on the Internet .......


Mr. Jones said...

^^Yep. But you checked for it, didnt you? You were the first respondent.

Even nicer.

Daddy Squeeze Me! said...

Oh my dear that is just gonna say that weight is not an easy thin to deal with and even at an unreasonable weight like that, you never know what she has gone through or is going through right now. I didnt even laugh when i saw the pics..i just shook my head man.

I just hope she gets better soon. Let us hope she is making a change in her life Mr.Jones.

Good Post


yet another black guy said...

i...i.... was that a woman?

That Dude Right There said...

I actually didn't laugh. When I see an obese person, i don't know what to think. Sometimes I feel sorry for them, but I always wonder if they are happy with themselves. Then I press on about my day.

Dr.Friday said...

So sad....

Keisha Kornbread said...

This is why I don't eat...EVER! I survive off of sugar-free kool-aid and sunlight.

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