Monday, April 23, 2007

The Weekend That Was...

Monday, April 23, 2007
Where to begin?

This weekend was probably one of the more eventful weekends in recent memory. On Friday, a bunch of friends and I went to the Black Cat in NW Washington to experience the lovely and beautiful Teedra Moses. The concert started off with a bang. The PJ Morton Band opened and was good enough to inspire me to buy ‘The Perfect Song’, the band’s newest release on Brash Records. Teedra came out and sang a few songs (and by a few I mean 6 or 7, maybe 8…fortunately, I had enough drinks that I wasn’t too bothered by her abbreviated performance). After that, we piled into our cars and headed to Ryan’s for one of his famous (well, infamous) gatherings. We chilled until maybe 4:30am or so, then went home. The paparazzo was out in full force (thanks Spanish Eryk!). I'll post the links to the pics a little later.

Saturday began like most Saturdays do. Errands, laundry, cleaning, playing the dog (click here for pics of him), etc. Andre, my homie from college who moved to LA after graduation, was in DC/Baltimore for the weekend. He invited me to his parents’ home in Baltimore for a not-so-impromptu gathering. There was food, cards, drinks, and friends. It’s always great to see/chill with people you haven’t seen in a long time.

I really did think my Sunday would begin in the house of the lord. It didn’t. In fact, it didn’t begin until mid-afternoon. I met up with Laura, then the new love interest. Then I went home and went to bed.

So, as I sit here starring blankly at the computer, reading my emails and news updates, I’m still tired.


E said...

I love Teedra Moses. Too bad her CD didn't take off.

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